zondag 21 november 2010

What is brand personality ?

Most of the previous blog posts are descriptions of the unique personalities of some well-known brands. After analyzing these examples, I noticed that brand personality is something very abstract. A lot of researchers tried to define brand personality by using their own interpretation of the concept. Result?  A large range of inconsistent definitions.

My previous posts were more or less based on the definition of Aaker. She believes  that brand personality represents the set of human characteristics associated with a brand.  With this definition, Aaker has developed a scale which allows you to describe and measure the personality of a brand in five core dimensions: Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness. 

However, some researcher do not approve of this definition and scale. They believe a stricter definition is necessary, otherwise “brand personality” will be used to indicate any non-physical attribute associated with a brand while intellectual abilities, gender, social class, etc... should not be included. They are convinced that these qualities are not applicable  and relevant to brands.

Conclusion? Finding the perfect definition of brand personality is probably impossible, there will always be someone that will criticize the used approach.  But I challenge you...

Vienna Deschrijver


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